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Mindful Eating Workshop Series (online)
27. Januar 2021, 18:00 - 20:00
with Gabriella and Tori
The path to healthy weight
This workshop invites us to examine our eating habits and to make positive changes that have a greater, more lasting impact than a short-term diet.
In this four-part Mindful Eating workshop series, we focus on creating a deep awareness of the way we eat. From awareness comes choice, which helps us to make conscious choices that make us feel better not only in our bodies, but also in our lives. A side note: weight loss is not the intended goal of these courses, but it is a likely by-product.
Listening to natural feelings of hunger and satiety
We will look at our current behaviour in relation to food and learn how to develop a more conscious and mindful attitude by practising discovering our unconscious eating patterns.
These workshops will also focus on becoming aware of how we plan and prepare our meals, what and when we eat and finally spend some time reflecting on our deeper underlying feelings and thoughts around food.
To further deepen our insights, there will be some guided meditations, interactive exercises and supportive group discussions. At the end of the last workshop, the intention is to conclude with a practice of mindful eating by cooking a delicious, healthy meal together, circumstances permitting.
Even after the workshops, we would like to maintain the wonderful connection by supporting and encouraging each other to integrate these new positive habits into our lives for good!
We look forward to embarking on this journey to deeper awareness with you.
DATES: 27.1. ; 3.2. ; 10.2. ; 24.2.2021
PRICE: 100 € for all 4 workshops / 30 € per individual workshop.
Recipes, meal plans & other materials included.