
8 Week MBSR Mindfulness Course

Over the course of 8 weeks, you will learn how to develop a sense of calmness in your everyday life and how to improve your relationship with stress. In this classic course (based on the curriculum of the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts in the USA), you will be introduced to all facets of mindfulness.


The methodology focuses on individual experience in order to promote and consolidate understanding of the most important mindfulness concepts. You will share the progress and difficulties we encounter and create a dynamic group.

Each week you will receive scripts and audio files on the topics for daily meditation exercises. Regular practice of the MBSR meditations and the integration of a mindful attitude in everyday life are essential elements for training the mind .

Course contents

-Eight appointments of 2.5 hours each

-A 5-hour intensive one day course to be held on a weekend

-Guided mindfulness meditations while lying, sitting, walking and practicing mindful yoga

-Short lectures and discussions on the following main topics:

  • How does our perception work
  • Insights from current stress research
  • Recognizing personal stress patterns
  • Dealing with stress-exacerbating thoughts (e.g. brooding)
  • Dealing with difficult emotions such as anger, anger, fear or depressive moods
  • Mindful communication
  • Self-criticism and compassion.

Participant fee:
370 € (Discount/payment by instalments possible)


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