
Do without news: When does it make sense?

Troubling news from the US that throws old certainties and securities overboard, rearmament in the EU, shocking attacks – the flood of bad news hits the mind, and our brains are constantly exposed to negative stimuli through the constant listening, watching or reading of news. At times like these, how useful is it to distance ourselves from negative information in order to protect our own mental health? When might it be useful to simply ‘beam away’ or consciously take a break from the news? Here are three signs that it’s time to take a break:

  1. the news is affecting your quality of life

If you notice that the constant consumption of negative news is significantly affecting your mood, making you feel anxious, sad or helpless, it may be a sign that it’s time to take a break. If the news is becoming a constant mental burden, consider how much you are consuming and how it is affecting your wellbeing.

  1. the news does not offer opportunities for action

It’s important to realise that a lot of upsetting news often doesn’t offer concrete options for individuals to take action. If you feel that there is nothing you can do to change the situation, and if consuming the news still leads to feelings of powerlessness and anxiety, it may be helpful to consciously withdraw.

  1. if you already feel generally stressed

News consumption can trigger a chronic stress response, especially if it is linked to existential threats (war, natural disasters, economic crises). Stress hormones such as cortisol can negatively affect physical health and lead to sleep problems, anxiety and burnout. In such cases, it is advisable to take a digital detox break and make time for relaxation.