About us

We at Mindful Work are passionate about helping people develop their ability to be mindful in everyday life and at their place of work, so that they can live more relaxed and proceed to enjoy a happy live. We offer a worldly, scientifically supported meditation training that strengthens personal competence development.

Christine Fitterer

After studying business administration and international relations, Christine made a long and varied career in the world of media and communications, holding leading positions in TV stations and PR agencies. Because she is familiar with the pressures of business, she is particularly motivated to communicate mindfulness practices to busy people.

Christine is a certified Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) trainer for mindfulness stress management and conducts her courses in German as well as English. Triggered by severe back pain ten years ago, she discovered meditation and yoga. She became acquainted with different meditation traditions and integrates yoga mats and seat cushions into her rhythm of life on a regular basis, based on her many beneficial personal experiences.


Gabriella Mesce

Gabriella has more than twenty years of experience with international corporations in the field of human resources and has found the answer to personal development through mindfulness training. Gabriella is a certified MBSR trainer for individual stress coaching with focussing on expats. Her training methods support the development of resilience and compassion as well as the improvement of the work-life-balance. The goal is to remain attentive even in difficult situations and to achieve a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

The business economist did not discover mindfulness in her working environment, but rather as a result of a serious illness. In her personal process, she was prepared to take personal responsibility and to embrace herself to an attentive lifestyle. For her, mindfulness simply means staying true to oneself, creating clarity in one’s decisions, and being more at peace and resilient to the hectic world we live in.